Wednesday 25 February 2009

Eye Candi Magazine

Wednesday 11th February 2009

In today's lesson I will begin to design the Eye Candi Front Cover. I have my sketch done so all I need, is time and imagination. 

I decided to choose the blue background as its quite a popular colour and add the effect of spunge, so that it would not look so simple. I was thinking of copying the original Eye Candi Logo for my project but later on I came up with some good idea and I designed my own. The main article for this issue is ''The Trip of the Year". 

These are just a few examples of the items that appeared on the front cover. I will try to describe it briefly in my evaluation. 

P.S: I did not managed to finish the project in this lesson. There is a half term next week, however the deadline is the week after half term so I will definitely finish the project until then.

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